
Torchlight 2 summoner build
Torchlight 2 summoner build


Seismic Slam: I'm going to put 10/15 into this skill. The stun is tanky, but also think of this: if you know a harder battle is coming up, or if there was some elite monsters that were too hard for you to jump in and handle, summon up 10 of these guys and then try again.


At tier 3 (15/15) it has a 60% reduced mana cost, and the cool part about this skill is that each spider mine has a chance to upgrade into causing a bigger explosion that stuns enemies for 2 seconds. That means the more you use it the harder it hits. It also lowers enemy attack speed and deals an additional 10% damage for every charge you have, WHILE generating charge per hit. At 15/15 it has a 90% chance to stun for 3.8 seconds and will deal 12.5x your shield's armor in damage. Why do you care about your cast animation speed? Well it means you don't need as good reflexes to cast it right before a boss' strongest attack. At 15/15 it costs 50% less mana and you cast is 50% faster.


At 10/15 your allies get the FULL shield instead of 1/2. It gets better: at 5/15 it cost 20% less mana and it's cast animation is 20% faster. It also gives all your allies, you, your pet, your friends, your friends pets, as well as your and your friends summons 1/2 of the shield. Not only that but each charge also reduces the damage the bubble takes by 5%, so if you use all 5 charges it gives you 150% of the absorption amount, and all damage it takes is reduced by 25%. It spends all of your charges (up to 5) to give you a bubble that absorbs a flat amount of damage. Forcefield: 15/15 this is how you will spend your charge and keep you and all your allies alive. Every rank improves the amount of healing and the rate at which it casts it's healing wave, at 5/15 it also restores mana to you and your allies, and at 10/15 and 15/15 it gives a physical armor boost. Active Skills Heal Bot: I'm going to put 15/15 into this little guy as soon as I can. This also benefits from the Bulwark ability. What I mean is that it can recast itself while it's active, so it really has good mitigation. that doesn't sound like much but think about this: While it's active you still take hits which count towards activating it. At 15/15 you have a 16% chance on being hit to cast it. It also gives knockback resistance which could be helpful against enemies that push you around. It gives you a chance on being hit to gain a bubble of defense that is basically your armor value multiplied + a flat amount. Aegis of Fate: 15/15 this skill as it will turn mobs into your friends. Tying a % damage reduction to your flat reduction is unbelievable, but note that this only works on physical damage, which is why I may keep it at 10. Every rank gives you 2% more physical armor and ALSO reduces physical damage taken by 2%. Bulwark: I may 15/15 this as I feel the need. It'll give your Seismic Slams more "Oomph." Replace this with Charge Reconstitution if you want to be completely tanky. Remember a good offense is part of having a good defense. This is rather significant and is a good way to make sure you can kill even as a tank since most of your skills are fire and lightning based.

torchlight 2 summoner build

You have plenty of tank skills and this will give you 90% more fire and lightning damage when maxxed. Fire and Spark: 15/15 this even though it's not a tank skill. That's nothing to scoff at, as one handed weapons hit for less than 2 handed weapons, but faster, so any damage bonus they receive greatly helps their DPS. At rank 15 it'll add 90% of your shield's armor. At rank 1 it adds 20% of your shield's armor to your melee damage. The damage is great to contribute to DPS and the charge will let you use your tanky-charge-consuming skills. It gives you a chance on hit to gain a 10 second buff to your damage and while it's active you gain more charge. Skills Passive Skills Supercharge: I'm going to put 15/15 points into this ASAP. This build is scary, as the Engineer can have both survivability and damage without much effort. I will also highlight other skills that I think could be alternatives. I really like how clear cut the tank skills, so for this one build I am going to show you precisely how I'm building my tank engineer with exactly 150 skill points. The Engineer has more tankiness than I can handle.

Torchlight 2 summoner build